Raw Religion
Spirituality/Belief • Culture • Lifestyle
I will be reading The Authorized King James Version of the bible with old and new testaments, beginning to end, with commentary from other sources. I have little experience reading this text which makes my reading and personal assessments raw and mostly unfiltered. It is for my personal growth and also for the listener who may be skeptical of organized religion who wants to learn in privacy without actually reading themselves. The listener and I will be on a search for truth together!
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Chapter 3 "Eve Was Deceived"

The serpent convinced Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, oops! How easy is it that us humans can be deceived. How have you been deceived by your peers, government, and mainstream media lately?

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September 14, 2022
Genesis Chapter 24 "Abraham Seeks a Wife for Isaac"

Takeaway: It's probably wise to pray for something specific to know when God's gifts confront you.

September 12, 2022
Genesis Chapters 21-23 "The Child of Promise" (Commentary)

Lesson: Obedience belongs to God first of all, and that obedience to God results in rich blessing.

Key Takeaways:
1. Patience: be strong in faith and give glory to God. God keeps his word but it's on his schedule, not ours. You will be tested constantly.
2. God understands separation from those who may be a source of friction or carnality.
3. Worship is acting out your beliefs while being humble and loyal to God.

September 09, 2022
Genesis Chapter 23 "Sarah's Death"

Recap: Sarah walks on into the after-life at the age on 127. There is a burial.

Genesis Record Chapter 14-17 "The Abrahamic Covenant" (Commentary)

I ran out of time doing the video, oops. Very tired but no excuse.

Check out Operation Underground Railroad if you wish to donate. They rescue children from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. I watched an interview with the founder on Candace a year ago.

Please God, save the children. However, we can do something about it too.

Out of data, check out the video on Rumble, thanks!

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Genesis Chapter 17 "Renewal of the Covenant"

Abram and Sarai have their names upgraded to Abraham & Sarah. What is the purpose of this?

Also, circumcision is vital to an everlasting bond with God?

Does anybody have a great organization that people should donate to? Leave a comment with a link. Will look into them and add to potential shout outs at the end of each video.

I will publish videos here next month, out of data. You can view it on Rumble. Thanks for understanding!

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Genesis Chapter 16 " Sarai deals hardly with Hagar"

Sarai is a bone-head!

View this episode on Rumble, out of data for this platform for the month. Thanks and stay blessed!

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